We have been plowing through the house and our garage has an UNBELIEVABLE amount of items in the stack to sell. I can't believe it was all in our house somewhere! We are planning on the MOTHER OF ALL GARAGE SALES in two weeks so I'm working hard to get through everything.
The picture doesn't even include our bedroom set, the crib, changing table, a few bookcases, two chairs, ottoman, cabinet, outdoor playhouse, sandbox, baby pool, another sandbox, cozy coupe car, angelfish rocker, see-saw, etc.....
Then....I can have the movers come to survey what is left for storage or shipping and set a date to have them actually pack things up.
We got our passports today too:
This means that I can photocopy them and attach them to the packets for school registration and get those fedexed off tomorrow. I'll feel better when I know they are set for school!
We received a housing application yesterday that we filled out and submitted. Our housing is somewhat based off of the size of our family and Brian's grade. Then - they ask what is important to us for a house. Ummmmmm - that was hard. I answered the questions (we had to list our top two) and we said #1 was a neighborhood with children and #2 was something close to amenities. Then I got obsessive and concerned and sent an email off to the CLO (can't remember what it stands for but it's some kind of relocation specialist) - we would be placed in a villa (which sounds great but is basically the same as a townhome here) and they don't have garages, only car ports. Ummmm we have a 2-car + tandem garage FILLED with stuff. Where do you put that kind of stuff if you don't have a garage (or basement or attic????) so I sent off a panicked email about that.
Then I spent more time thinking and researching online and obsessing and obsessing. Homes in Abu Dhabi are often referred to as "on island" or "off island". Abu Dhabi is an island with bridges that go "off island" and people can live "on island" where they are much closer to the city center but there's more traffic, cruddy parking for guests, sometimes bigger homes. You can live off island but it can take 20-40 minutes to get to some things but it can be a tighter community feel and there might be a community center/pool/play area for your compound (subdivison).

So....I obsessively looked around for "good" and "bad" places to live and shot off an email requesting certain areas.
It was explained that the government has 123 lease properties in their inventory. Some are flats (apartments) and some are villas (townhomes) and based on Brian's grade and family size we would qualify for a certain type of villa. However - I have no idea how many that leaves us with and if we get to choose from there or where in Abu Dhabi they are located.
Then...I continued to read my packet of information and explains that there is a housing board (7 people) that review the applications and suggestions and decide where you are going to live. Hopefully we find out soon!
Brian got notified today that he will be attending a class in Georgia during the month of May (a few weeks in the middle) and then will need to report shortly after.
So...I am trying to create a timeline for myself, however there are some key details that are yet to be decided (by Brian's employer). So - here's my rough idea of the next few weeks:
Week of 3/27 - Move everything to garage for Garage Sale
Week of 4/3 - Organize & Price for Garage Sale
Weekend - Have Garage Sale
Week of 4/10 - Dispose of whatever we didn't sell. Receive notice of Medical Clearance. Receive official notice of Brian's EOD (entry date)
Weekend - Isabella's Birthday Party
Week of 4/18 - Brian is in DC for training & survey to assess
time to pack everything
Weekend - Easter
Week of 4/25 - Strip things off the walls. Patch & Paint Walls
Week of 5/2 - Schedule Packing Day
Week of 5/9 - Schedule Car Shipping Day
Week of 5/16 - Schedule Movers to pack everything for Storage & Cargo Shipment
Week of 5/23 - Clean out of house to move to hotel
Week of 5/30 - Replace Carpet & schedule Merry Maids
Week of 6/6 - Relax
Week of 6/13 - Enjoy last week here
Weekend - Move to Abu Dhabi
Spend maybe an extra day in NY if we can
Week of 6/20 - Arrive in Abu Dhabi