Sunday, August 28, 2011

Air Freight Arrived

I'm having IPad issues. I wrote out a whole blog entitled "Feeling Petty & Cranky" and now it's not on here to send. Argh! I don't feel like retyping it and I feel better just writing it all down anyway so never mind my bitchy, whiny, petty post and I'll do this instead...

Our Air Freight shipment came today. This means our essential items, or whatever I thought was essential 2 months ago when I fervently packed it, has arrived.

It was 800 pounds of Christmas!

6 of these large boxes came off the truck for us.

Every box is filled with smaller boxes......

The mess of a foyer.

Cameron asked if I had batteries in my pocket for his car....(I don't)

My disaster of a kitchen.

I can't wait to have it all together!
Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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